The Do’s and Don’ts of Clogged Drains

by | May 3, 2022 | Plumbing

There are few things that are more of a pain than realizing your drain is clogged. Whether it’s your sink, toilet, or shower, it’s a problem that often needs to be taken care of immediately to avoid flooding or further damage and backups. Because of the sense of urgency in this situation, many people feel the need to take matters in to their own hands. If you believe you are a plumber or not, you need to be very careful before taking any action. When you are ready for help, Jerry's Plumbing, Heating, & Air Conditioning will be there, 24/7/365! There are some definite do’s and don’ts when it comes to unclogging your drains and preventing clogs.


Install a drain filter: Installing a drain filter or trap is an easy way to keeps drains clog free. This device will catch any large items, such as food or hair and will make cleaning easy by trapping these items before they go further down your drain.

Run hot water down your drain: Hot water keeps oils in food products running down the drain, rather than building up on the interior surface of pipes, which can make drains sluggish and lead to clogs.


Flush everything down the toilet: Only flush toilet paper and what nature provides. Never flush feminine products, “flushable” wipes, baby wipes, diapers or cat litter down the toilet.

The steps you take before a clog are just as important as what you do after a clog has already started.

Before a clog:

Put oily and greasy foods down the sink: While it seems like it should be okay to put oils or grease down the drain because they are liquids, the fact is that these will eventually harden and congeal causing clogs in your drain.

Put non-food items or food waste down the drain: Drains and garbage disposals are delicate appliances. While some things may seem okay to put in your garbage disposal and flush down the toilet, not everything is appropriate and it is best to be cautious. Band-aids, cotton balls, paper towels, animal bones or skin, egg shells, hair and more are all big no-nos. If only you could see some of the things we have dug up from drains!

After a clog:

Put boiling water or vinegar down the drain: While it is probably okay to run some hot water down your drain if you notice the start of a clog, avoid pouring boiling water or vinegar down your drain. This may help slightly unclog drains, however it will eventually trigger more damage by causing our drains to rust and/or break.

Use chemicals or acid cleaners: This is the first thing many people think to do as soon as they notice a clog. These may provide a short-term solution but in the long run, they will end up causing more harm than good. The corrosive nature of drain cleaners will begin to eat away at the clog., but likely also your pipes. Many time, they won’t even work! Liquid drain cleaners may get the job down when your drain is slow, but not if it is completely stopped.

Jerry's Plumbing, Heating, & Air Conditioning is your one source for all your plumbing, heating and air conditioning needs!